June 15, 2019
Our day has consisted of a 5am start, a 2 hr time zone change, and an excursion through Walmart followed by the Yellowstone wilderness. Here are some highlight of today’s events:
– We survived the hour-long TSA security line that almost spanned all the way out the door of the airport
– Bayleigh and Kristen got their “wings!” It was their first time on a plane!
– We completed an ultra-efficient, lightning-speed “Supermarket Sweep” at Walmart. We left with 3 carts filled to the brim.

The results of the great “supermarket sweep”- enough food for field breakfast and lunches for 10 days!
– As soon as we entered the park, we were accosted by wildlife. Just beyond the Roosevelt arch, we saw elk and pronghorn. By the end of the day, we added bighorn sheep, bison, moose, magpie, osprey and eagles to the list (no bears YET).
– We literally touched history as we walked through the majestic stone entryway arch dedicated by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.

The grand north entrance to Yellowstone National Park- the Roosevelt Arch
– We heard ground squirrels squealing their high-pitched warning calls to the rest of their family group.
– We heard the word “ungulate” uttered more times today than ever before in our lives.
– Everyone sang “happy birthday” to Bayleigh at the Mammoth Terrace Grill.
In all, Megan summed up our experience on Day 1 well when she described Yellowstone as “a journey through Wonderland.” We are already in awe of this place. Our souls were touched by the vastness of the magnificence of God’s creation surrounding us, Yellowstone National Park. We are excited for more adventures in the days ahead! Signing off for tonight, the Hot Springs group.