Yellowstone Institute
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Yellowstone Institute

The unique thermal features in Yellowstone were key to its preservation as our first national park in 1872.
June 18-26, 2025
- Experience one of North America’s greatest concentrations of wildlife
- Observe world-class geological wonders
- Learn about the history and management of America’s first national park
- Learn from scientists and experts
Participating educators will study and experience the wonders of the world’s first national park. Join us from sunrise to sunset as we observe the incredible wildlife of Yellowstone, including bears, bison, wolves, and elk. Learn about the area’s unique geology while exploring the amazing world of geysers, hot springs, and mudpots. Enjoy the magnificent scenery of the northern Rocky Mountains as we hike trails throughout the park. The daily program will include field experiences, opportunities to meet with park staff and other experts, and activities designed to help integrate your experiences into the classroom. Discover strategies for exploring the connections between Yellowstone and North Carolina — wolf and elk reintroduction, fire ecology, resource management issues, and much more. Students can follow along and ask questions as we post daily blogs from the field.
Dates: June 13-22, 2024 (Mandatory pre- and post-trip sessions will be held in Raleigh on March 9 and November 2, 2024.)
Locations: Yellowstone National Park, Montana and Wyoming and Raleigh, N.C.
Group Size: Limited to 12 participants.
Activity Level: Moderate to rigorous including walking and hiking (up to 5 miles) on uneven terrain at high altitudes.
Cost: $1000 (Includes supplies; round-trip airfare from Raleigh to Bozeman, MT; all ground transportation; instruction and lodging.) Participants will be responsible for travel to and from Raleigh, expenses in Raleigh during pre- and post-trip sessions, and most meals in Yellowstone. Many participants receive funding from their local civic or professional organizations.
Apply for the 2024 Yellowstone Institute
Yellowstone Institute Blog Archive (2017 and earlier)