Tropical Ecology

“Getting Ready”

The countdown is on.

Twelve teachers from across the state are packing their bags with everything they need for the upcoming Tropical Ecology Institute. Convertible quick dry pants, umbrella, camera, binoculars, water bottle, rain gear, sunscreen, snorkel gear … and the list goes on and on. It is at this point that we all begin to wonder “Will all of this fit into my duffel?” And yet every year, somehow it does.

Thirty-one years ago the first Tropical Ecology Institute for educators took place. While today’s trip takes advantage of advances in technology, improved roads, and access to new locations in Belize, at its heart, is it the same experience. It is designed to give educators a first-hand experience in tropical ecology, which will improve their ability to teach students across North Carolina. It is not a vacation in the tropics, it is an immersion in the tropics.  While participants gain new factual knowledge, they also develop a deep appreciation for Belize and her people, and learn new skills to take back to their classrooms. Teachers return refreshed, inspired and more committed to improving science education across the state.

We cannot wait for it to begin.

