Brittany tries out her new parka to get ready for Yellowstone in winter.
I have never really considered myself adventurous. Sure, I’ve been here and there on vacation or for work, but on those trips I pretty much knew what to expect. Next week, I will be embarking on a true journey that will be full of the unexpected. One that will probably prove to be very adventurous. A week from today I will be at Yellowstone National Park with an amazing group of educators and scientists exploring all that nature has to offer.
There are so many “firsts” for me in this journey. My first time west of the Mississippi, my first time on an airplane, the first time I’ve been away from home this far away or for this long, and most importantly my first true adventure without friends or family (although I’m certain I’ll make plenty of friends during this adventure). This is a real leap out of my comfort zone, and I can’t wait to see how I’ll learn and grow from this.
I began preparing for this trip when I found out I was accepted into this program in September. I’ve been getting out in nature more, trying to walk and exercise more, watching documentaries and reading about the park, and acquiring gear to keep me from turning into a snowman (shout out to my parents for getting me the gift of not freezing to death for Christmas, LOL). I feel like getting to this point has been a journey of its own. Even with all this preparation, I still feel that I could never fully be ready for all this trip will show me. I know there will be sights, experiences, and emotions I’m not expecting, but I’m so excited to begin this journey with this amazing group of adventurers!
May this trip be filled with wonder, laughter, growth, and safe travels!
~Brittany White, Science Educator, Edgecombe Early College High School