We are traveling back to Raleigh today. As our trip concludes, we have been spending a lot of time reflecting on our experiences, both as a group and individually. It is a bittersweet time. We are excited to see our families and be in our own beds but are going to miss our new educator friends. It has been an amazing trip full of laughs, inside jokes, and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones. We are thankful for the group that Megan, Melissa and Andy assembled and for their endless attention to detail, unwavering enthusiasm and leadership. We are also thankful for our Belizean guides Nathan and Zhawn, who were incredible ambassadors for their country and passionate to share about their culture and all the flora and fauna of Belize. Lastly, we’re grateful to Neysy and Kaylie, the two Belizean teachers who joined us, for jumping on the bus with fifteen strangers and sharing the journey.

Our final boat ride, departing South Water Caye for the mainland at Dangrigia, a bus ride to the airport, and a flight home to Raleigh
Thank you for following along with us and goodbye! Seremei and Ayou! (Thank you and goodbye in Garifuna!)