Oh, Mexico
I’ve never really been but I’d sure like to go
Sing, whoa, Mexico
I guess I’ll have to go now~James Taylor
On Wednesday, January 15, twelve North Carolina educators and two Museum staff will head to Mexico for our newest Educators of Excellence program: Mexico’s Magical Migrations Institute.
Since our orientation meeting on December 7, the group has been getting ready for our adventure to witness the amazing natural spectacle of over-wintering monarch butterflies and humpback whales. Check out how folks have been preparing, then bookmark this site to follow our adventures as we post daily blogs on our travels!

Kate reading about the monarch butterfly’s migration.
Kate Highsmith: I have been preparing for our Magical Mexico Migration experience with some nightly reading. I have enjoyed learning about Sara Dykman’s bicycle journey along the monarch’s migration route. I also watched the Netflix documentary, The Guardian of the Monarchs.

The well-decorated cover of Beverly’s journal.
Beverly Owens: To prepare for our trip, I’ve been learning about the flora and fauna of Mexico. I created an info sheet about the Crested Caracara to give to participants for our travel journals. I’ve also been discussing the trip with students, so they know they will be able to check out our daily blog articles.

Meghan’s workstation as she researches her expert topic.
Meghan Baker: Amidst a snowy winter day, I’m finishing up my “Expert Topic” preparations and feeling incredibly lucky and excited to experience the monarchs and oyamel firs in just a few short days!

Cindy’s class learning about mariposas (monarch butterflies)!
Cindy Bredenberg: I haven’t packed or anything like that – but my students and I have had quite a few conversations about the mariposas!

Mika’s prep for her expert topic.
Mika Twietmeyer: Doing my homework ahead of my trip next week! I also found out that Mexico has the greatest diversity of oak trees in the world with around 160 species. We hear a lot about the mighty Quercus in the Triangle (Raleigh is the City of Oaks, after all!) and I am looking forward to observing new species and different types of acorns.

Trista in her winter duds.
Trista Williams: I’m 🦋fluttering 🦋 with excitement to leave snowy Western NC and 🐋 whale-come 🐋 the sunshine of Mexico. Time to swap my snow boots for sunscreen!

Doug with some monarch wall-art!
Doug Clark: Today we visited a park and nature center nearby. Sounds like they have a pretty big monarch tagging operation there. Had a nice talk with the park superintendent about monarchs. I’ve also been trying to get a little extra exercise in. Hopefully running some stairs will help with my endurance while on the trip. My wife’s great aunt Pat is a retired teacher that is now in her upper 90s. She and her late husband did a lot of birding in Texas after retiring. A few years ago she handed down part of her collection of bird field guides to our family. Most of them are signed by the the authors they spent time with. Her copy of A Field Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Central America is one I never expected to get much use but will be perfect for this trip.

Marcie doing some Mexico research.
I spent most of this weekend packing for our departure to Mexico this Wednesday! I have also been researching about the places on our itinerary and reading this book about Mexico! So excited to be a part of this group of educators going in this trip!

Kathryn and her dog, prepping for a week of separation with extra love.
Kathryn Edwards: Everyone I’ve told about the Magical Migration Mexico trip are so excited for us! I’ve told my pets too, and made sure to give them some extra loving before we leave for a week.
Check out our Meet the Team page to learn more about the group traveling to Mexico this week.
Kelly Withrow
2 months ago
Enjoy! Have a safe trip to you all