South Africa Institute
South Africa Team | South Africa Itinerary | South Africa Blog Entries
July 20-August 4, 2025
- Search for the “Big 5” species of wildlife: lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, and buffalo.
- Take a bush walk with a safari ranger.
- Explore the majestic Drakensburg mountains.
- Cruise for hippos and crocs in coastal wetlands.
Experience the best wild lands that South Africa has to offer, from game reserves and grasslands to mountains and wetlands to beaches and estuaries. Enjoy the thrill of coming face to face with a herd of African elephants from an open safari vehicle, walk with safari rangers in the bush of Kruger National Park, hike through the stunning Tegula Gorge in the Drakensberg mountains, take a river cruise in the company of the hippos and crocodiles, and learn from local guides about the diverse flora and fauna of South Africa. Build connections with South African educators as you get to know local teacher participants. The daily program will include activities, field experiences and basic natural history. During the trip, participants will provide daily updates to students in North Carolina via a blog.
Dates: July 20-August 4, 2025. (Mandatory pre- and post-trip sessions will be held in Raleigh on Saturday, April 12 and Saturday, November 1, 2025.)
Locations: Kruger National Park, Wakkerstroom Wetlands, Royal Natal National Park, Gwahumbe Game Reserve, and iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa and Raleigh, N.C.
Group Size: Limited to 12 participants. (Note: South African teachers will join with American educators to form an international team.)
Activity Level: Moderate to rigorous including walking and hiking (up to 7 miles) on uneven terrain.
Cost: $2100*
Includes round-trip airfare from Raleigh to South Africa, in-country transportation, instruction, lodging, and some meals. Participants will be responsible for travel to and from Raleigh, expenses in Raleigh during pre- and post-trip sessions, and some meals in South Africa. See below for scholarship opportunities.
*The cost of all Institutes are significantly reduced thanks the generous support of the Friends of the Museum and the Goodnight Educational Foundation.