Blue Ridge

“Inquiry Fever”

Inquiry Fever:  The fervent desire to explore, observe, and learn.

We all have “Inquiry Fever”!  The excitement is contagious.  We spent the day in Stone Mountain State Park, starting with a hike up to the summit for a geology lesson on how the region was formed.  Along the way, we encountered a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers, a Red-spotted Newt, a deceased Eastern Red Bat, fence lizards, a goldfinch, and so much more!!

Next, we went to Roaring Fork River and met representatives from the NC Wildlife Commission. We put on waders and wetsuits and went seining and snorkeling in the river in order to identify a variety of fish, including a Brook Trout, Smallmouth Bass, and a Redlip Shiner.  We were also able to identify three different kinds of crayfish. It was a cool experience — literally — the water was quite cold! To cap off the afternoon, we hiked to Stone Mountain Falls and splashed in the water there.

We are all learning from each other and especially from our leader scientists.  It is awesome to be among like-minded educators who are willing to stop and explore!  For example, we spent a significant amount of time observing and inquiring about two Broad-necked Root-borer Beetles laying eggs.

We are now gathered together at camp working on our projects and smelling delicious burritos cooking.  Can’t wait for tomorrow’s adventures!

