Blue Ridge

“A Tree-mendous Day”

Our final full day together. Today we headed to the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest. Here we were able to walk among one of the few remaining old growth forests in North Carolina. Some of the trees here are estimated to be between 400-500 years old. We measured many of these Tulip Poplars, the largest circumference being over 20ft around!

Three people stretching a measuring tape around a tree
Measuring the circumference of the huge tulip poplar trees in Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest
Nine people standing in front of a huge double trunked tulip poplar tree
The group in Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest

After our hike, we made our way to Yellow Creek Falls for an afternoon of “marathon writing.” The sights and sounds (as well as a refreshing swim) of the waterfall made the perfect backdrop for our writing.

Five people sitting scattered on rocks around a pool at the base of a waterfall
We are writers

We headed back to our yurts for our final group meeting and dinner. We were able to reflect on how powerful this experience has been together and all the ways in which we have grown. We are looking forward to taking these experiences back to our classrooms in the fall.

